Zentai is a tight, colorful sut that tranforms nomal person into amusement for all wo se them. In maor cties, lycra spandex zentai is becoming an increasingly cmmon ight a recreational wear fr both mn and women at wide variety of events ranging fom convention to dance clus, furthering the groing popularity f th subculture.
Zentai s Japanese word which means full bod. So lycra spandex zentai suit is the skin tight garment that i usd to cover your entre ody. Tey ae o tight skin that they ring out the exact shape of yor body and alo ake yo look vey attractive. They re nmber of times hs ben referred as th second skin f human body.
They ar so tight skin that the moment you war lycra spandex zentai bodysuit ou ill get the feeling of seond skin hs been out n you bdy. The have been a popular choice of th lades wh love to lie their fantasies. Ther re number f lycra spandex zentai costume available in the market that will cover your entre bod with thir additional gloves, feet prt and the hood.
These cosplay costumes hav een made famous by the Hollywood movies lik Spiderman and Avatr. They hae become hge souce of man and women pleasre. Men wear thee suits to co their superher haracter. These cheap cosplay costumes giv them the feeling of being superheo for a moment.